
The Spectrum Monitor is edited and published by Ken Reitz KS4ZR, former managing editor, features editor, columnist and feature writer for Monitoring Times. e-mail:

The Spectrum Monitor  Writers’ Group consists of former columnists, editors and writers for Monitoring Times and Popular Communications. Below, in alphabetical order, are some of the columnists, their amateur radio call signs, the name of their column in The Spectrum Monitor and a brief bio.

Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF, “Amateur Radio Satellites”

Past president and treasurer of the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT). Freelance writer and photographer on amateur space telecommunications since 1993. Columnist and feature writer for Monitoring Times, The Canadian Amateur and the AMSAT Journal.

Kevin O’Hern Carey N2AFX “The Longwave Zone”

Reporting on radio’s lower extremes, where wavelengths can be measured in miles, and extending to the start of the AM broadcast band. Since 1991, editor of “Below 500 kHz” column for Monitoring Times. Author of “Listening to Longwave” and his CD, “VLF RADIO!,” a narrated tour of the longwave band from 0 to 530 kHz, with actual recordings of longwave stations. 

Mike Chace-Ortiz AB1TZ/G6DHU “Digital HF: Intercept and Analyze”

Author of the Monitoring Times “Digital Digest” column since 1997, which follows the habits o f embassies, aid organizations, intelligence and military HF users, the digital data systems they use, and how to decode, breakdown and identify their traffic. 

Richard Fisher KI6SN

A veteran journalist with a 35-year career in daily newspapers, and an amateur radio operator living in Riverside, California, Richard has been an editor and writer for Popular Communications, WorldRadio Online, and CQ Amateur Radio magazines. Among his previous responsibilities have been the monthly “Emergency Communications,” “Trail-Friendly Radio” and “Easy Does It” columns for CQ, and has written for several QRP publications, including QRP Quarterly and QRPp magazine. An avid homebrewer, he is a co-founder of The Adventure Radio Society. 

Joe Eisenberg K0NEB, "Kits and Kit-Building"

    Lifelong career in the IT industry as a field service technician and licensed amateur radio operator since 1969 at the age of 14. Co-founder Mid-America Coordination Council, contributing author, ARRL Handbook since the 2014 issue. Past columnist for Monitoring Times covering AM-FM-TV broadcasting and DXing. Past monthly columnist for CQ Magazine for 15 years until 2023 covering kit building, 3D printing and electronic construction techniques as well as major radio and technology conventions. Frequent speaker at amateur radio conventions and meetings and on webcasts.

Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z, “Amateur Radio Insight”

Amateur radio operator since 1977 at age 15. Author of “Stealth Amateur Radio.” Former editor, “ARRL Handbook,” former QST magazine assistant managing editor, columnist and feature writer for several radio-related magazines, technical editor for “Ham Radio for Dummies,” wrote “On the Ham Bands” column and numerous feature articles for Monitoring Times  since 2009. 

Joe Lynch N6CL, “VHF and Above”

He holds a Doctor of Ministry, Master of Divinity, an MBA and is an adjunct instructor for four colleges and universities and a retired United Methodist minister. He served as the editor of CQ VHF magazine for 12 years and the VHF editor for CQ magazine for 22 years.

Stan Nelson KB5VL, “Amateur Radio Astronomy”

Amateur radio operator since 1960. Retired after 40-plus years involved in mobile communications/electronics/computers/automation. Active in radio astronomy for over twenty years, specializing in meteor monitoring. He wrote the “Amateur Radio Astronomy” column for Monitoring Times since 2010. A member of the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA). 

Chris Parris, “Federal Wavelengths”

Broadcast television engineer, avid scanner and shortwave listener, freelance writer on federal radio communications since 2004, wrote the “Fed Files” column for Monitoring Times

Rich Post KB8TAD, “Adventures in Radio Restorations”

As a teenager Rich Post repaired radios and TV sets. He passed the exam for a First Class FCC license when he was told he needed one to repair his CB. He later received his amateur radio license as KB8TAD. Rich now holds a University Emeritus title having retired from Ohio University as Assistant Dean and Director of the Instructional Media and Technology Services. One of his hobbies is collecting and restoring “boat anchors.”

Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV, “Digitally Speaking”

First licensed as a Novice over 40 years ago, he enjoys exploring various facets of amateur radio, from the latest state of the art technologies, to the elegant simplicity found with a one-tube transmitter and straight key. He has an extensive background with computers and likes to restore 8, 12 and 16-bit classics from the 1970s.

Hugh Stegman, “Utility Planet”

Longtime DXer and writer on non-broadcast shortwave utility radio. Former “Utility World” columnist for Monitoring Times magazine for more than ten years.

Larry Van Horn N5FPW, “MilCom” (Now SK)

Retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer. 43-year licensed amateur Extra class ham. Former Monitoring Times Assistant Editor, Staff Journalist, Columnist. Former Satellite Times Managing Editor. Former Grove Enterprises Technical Support Technician. President Teak Publishing and author of dozens of print/e-Book radio hobby publications. EmaiL

Dan Veeneman, “Scanning America”

Software developer and satellite communications engineer writing about scanners and public service radio reception for Monitoring Times for 17 years. 

Fred Waterer, “The Shortwave Listener”

Former “Programming Spotlight” columnist for Monitoring Times. Radio addict since 1969, freelance columnist since 1986. Fascinated by radio programming and history. 

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