
August 2024 TSM

Price: $3.00

A Closer Look: US vs. Canadian Amateur Radio Licensing Systems

By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF

     As an American born amateur operator since 1976, as well as a US Volunteer Exam Coordinator, Keith is also a Canadian permanent resident who holds a Canadian Advanced Certificate with Morse code endorsement and an accredited examiner for Canadian amateurs. He looks at the differences and similarities to our systems and has some interesting recommendations.


Two Portable Vertical Antenna Kits

By Joe Eisenberg K0NEB

     A longtime writer on amateur radio topics, many will recognize Joe from his years at Monitoring Times and nearly 15 years at CQ magazine. This month Joe brings his wide range of knowledge to TSM readers with a look at two inexpensive vertical antenna kits that are also portable.


The MFJ Story: Something for Every Ham

By Mark Haverstock K8MSH

     For 52 years Martin F. Jue K5FLU, the man behind MFJ Enterprises, provided the worldwide amateur radio community with innovative and often inexpensive products for every aspect of the amateur radio hobby. Mark looks at the MFJ origin story as Martin slowly winds down operations at MFJ Enterprises.


Quick Looks: Stampfl WAVEBLOCK Preselector; Icom IC-R 15 Scanner; AOR AR-DV 10 (2024 version)

By Georg Wiessala

     With today’s modern software defined radios, is there a need for a preselector? Georg takes a look at the well-designed Stampfl WAVEBLOCK as well as Icom’s new IC-R15 analog scanner and AOR’s AR-DV 10 digital wideband receiver.


Lively Listening in Latvia

By Chrissy Brand

     A small eastern European country that not too many Europeans and fewer Americans have visited, Latvia proved to be an interesting radio tour for Chrissy this summer. From its imposing radio/TV tower in the capitol, Riga, to its long history of radio manufacturing, Latvia offers a wide variety of radio programming.


Datacasting with ATSC 3.0

By Fred Baumgartner K0FMB

     ATSC 3.0 is the new digital broadcast standard slowly rolling out across the US. But it’s not just a replacement for ATSC 1.0, the current standard since 2009. This standard offers 4k video resolution, capable of being received on mobile devices as well as datacasting—a method of transmitting to unlimited numbers of receivers more than just video and audio. Fred dives into datacasting in this fourth part of his series on ATSC 3.0.


Scanning America

By Dan Veeneman

Wisconsin Scanning Update


Federal Wavelengths

By Chris Parris

Federal Monitoring Mysteries


Utility Planet

By Hugh Stegman

Is China Building HF Intercept Stations in Cuba?


Shortwave Utility Logs

By Mike Chace-Ortiz and Hugh Stegman


The World of Shortwave Listening

By Rob Wagner VK3BVW

Saudi Arabia: Broadcasting Troubles in the Kingdom


The Shortwave Listener

By Fred Waterer

Olympics, ‘Proms’ and BBC Summer Fare on Shortwave


European Radio Scene

By Georg Wiessala

‘El poder de la onda corta,’ Anniversaries and an SDR Troika


Bits and Bytes

By Gayle Van Horn W4GVH

The Dog Days of Summer and Radio


Radio 101

By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

Streaming CBC Radio; FTA Satellite Changes, and a Field Day Report


Amateur Radio Astronomy

By Stan Nelson KB5VL

Using Radio-Sky Spectrograph (RSS)


Adventures in Radio Restoration

By Rich Post KB8TAD

The Four-Eyed Signal Tracers Part 2: Chanalyst Meets Analyst (Meissner 9-1040)


Digitally Speaking

By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

New to Me


Amateur Radio Insights

By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z

Underground Experimentation

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