
January 2021

Price: $3.00

Monitoring the Chinese Manned Space Program

By Larry Van Horn N5FPW

     In 2003 China became just the third country to achieve independent human spaceflight when it successfully orbited the crewed Shenzhou-5 spacecraft, followed by two space laboratories—Tiangong 1 and 2 in 2011 and 2016. While the program has been somewhat quiet, that’s about to change in 2021. Larry looks at China’s manned space program and rare opportunities to listen.


VOA: The Voice of Democracy

By Scott A. Caldwell

     The Voice of America first took to the airwaves on February 25, 1942, just 79 days after the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. VOA’s mission statement was based on this principle: “The news may be good. The news may be bad. But we shall tell you the truth.” Over the next 79 years VOA fought domestic distrust, the Red Scare and constant budget battles to stay on mission. Scott explains the history of what the New York Times called, “The largest broadcaster that few Americans know about.”


Take Five (MHz): The Allure of 60 Meters

By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

     One of our HF amateur allocations is not actually a band—at least as far as North American hams are concerned. It exists in sharp contrast to the others as a set of channels in the 5 MHz range and is known as the 60-meter band. Cory explains the unusual, and somewhat confusing, band-plan for 60 meters—what you need to know about operating 60 meters (including power output and antenna gain limits as well as mode operating limits) and what other organizations actually have primary use of the frequencies.


TSM Reviews: tinySA Spectrum Analyzer

By Bob Grove W8JHD

     Whether you are a newcomer to the radio hobby or an electronics professional, there is one piece of test equipment that should be part of your shack—a spectrum analyzer. For years, these devices have been laboratory quality and carried hefty price tags, but solid-state microelectronics advances, coupled with an influx of foreign competition has brought an effective but inexpensive alternative to the market. Bob reviews the tinySA spectrum analyzer that comes with an equally small price: $50-60. 


Scanning America

By Dan Veeneman

Sumter County (FL), Wallowa County (OR)


Federal Wavelengths

By Chris Parris

Federal Monitoring 2021



By Larry Van Horn N5FPW

The World of Strange Military Stations


Utility Planet

By Hugh Stegman

The Strangest Fake “Numbers” Station Ever


Shortwave Utility Logs

By Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz


VHF and Above

By Joe Lynch N6CL

Arecibo Radio Telescope: Lost to the World—Update 


Digitally Speaking

By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

Original Digital


Amateur Radio Insights

By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z

Does Your Antenna Need a Feed Line Choke? Almost Certainly. Maybe Two!


Radio 101

By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

American High School Radio 2021


The World of Shortwave Listening

By Jeff White, Chairman, HFCC

AWR Wavescan: A Collaborative Effort among Shortwave Listeners and Broadcasters


The Shortwave Listener

By Fred Waterer

New Year’s Shortwave Lineup

Adventures in Radio Restoration

By Rich Post KB8TAD

The Command Receiver: Reviving an ARC-5 and a Navy ARA


Antenna Connections

By Robert Gulley K4PKM

A Look into Antenna Traps

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