Radio Memories
By Lawrence E. DeMilner W1TA
benefits of amateur radio would eventually pay lifelong dividends for a 12
year-old boy, sitting for his Novice license exam 62 years ago. After being
interviewed on the Today Show as a Boy Scout, he would later spend seven months
as an American ham in the USSR at the height of the Cold War. Later still, he
would spend three years as one of the scarcest DX calls in the world. It was
all because of amateur radio.
XER – King of the Mexican Border Blasters
By John Schneider W9FGH
its inception, radio has attracted more than its share of schemers and outright
con artists. The story of John Brinkley and his questionable medical services, which
allowed him to mass a personal fortune, is the story of one man dodging
lawsuits and legislation designed to bring him down. But, before that could
happen, he had built the most powerful radio station in the Western Hemisphere
and turned it into a cash-generating machine.
When Our Vintage Radios Fought in
the Air War
By Richard Fisher KI6SN
From post-war radio frenzies, created by a massive military-surplus
market, grew a thirst among shortwave listeners and radio amateurs to acquire
the gear that served so admirably in the skies—especially during World War II.
Most of these receivers, transmitters and their accessories were top performers,
and yet they were quite inexpensive on the surplus market. They were golden
back then, just as they are today. Richard charts the history of radio and
Watts Up? Line Voltage for Vintage Radios
By Rich Post KB8TAD
Recently, Rich Post measured the AC voltage in his home
electric circuits: 123.5 volts. According to the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), that is well within the accepted service range of 114 to 126
volts for line voltage, which is nominally 120 plus or minus 5%; a range hasn't
changed since the original ANSI standard was published in 1954. He asks, “My
refrigerator and microwave oven might be happy at 123.5 or even 126 volts, but
what about my vintage radios?” Rich shows us how to safely reduce the voltage
that our vintage sets work best at.
Multiple Satellite Reception from a Single Ku-Band Dish
(Part 1)
By Mike Kohl
Direct Broadcast Satellites, such as DirecTV and DISH
Network, are positioned close enough in the Clark Belt to allow several LNBFs mounted
on a single dish to receive the satellites that make up their programming
lineup of hundreds of channels. But, Free-to-Air satellites are spaced
considerably further apart and transmit at considerably less power. Can FTA
hobbyists employ this same technique? Mike has been experimenting with this for
years and has achieved some pretty amazing results. He tells us how it’s done.
Scanning America
By Dan Veenaman
EDACS, Talkgroups and RF Explorer
Federal Wavelengths
By Chris Parris
FBI Aircraft in the News
Utility Planet
By Hugh Stegman NV6H
U.S. Navy-Marine Corps MARS
Digital HF: Intercept and Analyze
By Mike Chace-Ortiz AB1TZ/G6DHU
Swiss Diplomatic Network
undergoes Changes
HF Utility Logs
By Mike Chace-Ortiz and Hugh
Amateur Radio Insights
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
Six Meters: A New Twist on the
Old Magic
Radio 101
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
The Wi-Fi Scanner, SWL Option
Radio Propagation
By Tomas Hood NW7US
10.7-cm Radio Flux
The World of Shortwave Listening
By Keith Perron
Radio helps Nepal Recover after Earthquake
The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
Sputnik Radio, BBC and the VOA
Maritime Monitoring
By Ron Walsh VE3GO
Maritime Station Consolidation
The Longwave Zone
By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
BBB-4 Wrap-Up
Adventures in Radio Restoration
By Rich Post KB8TAD
the Zenith 5K037 “Farm” Set with AC and Forming a Dial Cover
The Broadcast Tower
By Doug Smith W9WI
License? I don’t need no stinking
Antenna Connections
By Dan Farber AC0LW
Round and Round, Part II: Jolly
Green Delta Loop
Radio Horizons
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