
July 2017

Price: $3.00

The Voice of America at 75

By Richard Fisher KI6SN

The Voice of America first took to the air via shortwave in 1942 to bring reliable news to people in war-ravaged and oppressed societies around the world. 75 years later, some 240 million still listen each week via shortwave, local AM and FM stations as well as online to programs in their own languages about topics of interest to their particular regions of the world.


Heavenly Fires and Lights without Wires

By Georg Wiessala

Nikola Tesla, originally from Serbia, and Kristian Birkeland, from Norway, were noted eccentrics in their time whose work influenced a wide range of scientists in many fields, but the two remained largely forgotten after death. Georg traces the backgrounds and accomplishments of these two famous contemporaries whose studies in magnetism, electricity and propagation excited great comment at the time.


‘Modernizing’ the TV7/U Tube Tester with Sencore, Hickok, or Homebrew Adapter 

By Rich Post KB8TAD

Like many antique radio enthusiasts, Rich Post has a military TV-7/U tube tester, designed by Hickok and built to military specifications. However, Rich notes that all versions are limited in that they cannot directly test the last generation of tube types such as Nuvistors, Novars, and Compactron tubes. Find out how he ‘modernizes’ this tester to do what he now needs it to do.


Xenia, Ohio, Hamvention: The Good, the Bad and the Muddy

By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL

After decades of residing in Dayton, Ohio, the Dayton Amateur Radio Association’s Hamvention moved to nearby Xenia, Ohio, for 2017. Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL was on hand for this historic change and gives us a complete report on what turned out to be a much better attended event than the previous one.


TV Band Re-packing Report:

New Channel Assignments by TV Market Part 2

By Mike Kohl

Information has continued to be released by the FCC on the repacking of TV channel frequencies across the US. This has given Mike the opportunity to create some listings by TV market on what the local spectrum should look like at the end of the process. In this installment, TV markets begin with #58 Dayton, Ohio and end with #150 Rochester, Minnesota.


Scanning America

By Dan Veeneman

Washington County, Oregon; Minnesota Refinery


Federal Wavelenghts

By Chris Parris

Scanning Arizona


Utility Planet

By Hugh Stegman

Let’s Listen to Russia


Shortwave Utility Logs

By Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz


VHF and Above

By Joe Lynch N6CL

TWAntennas and 6-Meters: Part 3


Amateur Radio Insights

By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z

‘Brit-Style’ 2-Element Yagis—Tiny Powerhouses from across the Pond?


Radio 101

By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

String Trimmer Powered Transceiver and other Field Day Oddities


Radio Propagation

By Tomas Hood NW7US

Breakthrough Solar Science


World of Shortwave Listening

By Keith Perron

Radio-Television Hong Kong: 20 Years after the Handover


The Shortwave Listener

By Fred Waterer

RAE on WRMI and BBC/DW Programs


Maritime Monitoring

By Ron Walsh VE3GO

Great Lakes: High Water, High Traffic


The Longwave Zone

By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY

Portable Picker-Upper


Adventures in Radio Restoration

By Rich Post KB8TAD

Heathkit HR-10B Receiver


Antenna Connections

By Dan Farber AC0LW

Antenna Polarization: Which Way is Up?

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