
June 2017

Price: $3.00

TSM Reviews:

Yaesu FTM-100 DR: Amateur Friendly Digital Operating

By Mark Haverstock K8MSH

In 2013, Yaesu developed System Fusion, a format that retains backwards compatibility for analog along with FDMA-based digital communications. With the FTM-100DR, Yaesu has managed to create an affordable radio that integrates both analog FM and their C4FM digital modes into one package that accommodates digital users, while still keeping the analog FM crowd connected.


Early Radio Broadcasting: Publicity Stunts and Unusual Broadcasts

By John Schneider W9FGH

In the early years of radio, broadcasters were eager to explore the frontiers of the medium and found themselves in a continual series of “radio firsts,” similar to modern attempts to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records. To attract listeners, early stations sought new ways to make “radio history” by transmitting something that had never been heard before—weddings, broadcasts at sea, in the air, even under the water. In many cases such broadcasts served no purpose but to entertain and fascinate.


Using Weak Signals Software to Reach for the Sky

By Robert Gulley AK3Q

Many have no doubt heard of renowned physicist Joe Taylor K1JT, or at least JT65 or JT9 software. But weak signal mode software has progressed leaps and bounds since the introduction of these modes only a few short years ago, thanks in part to some great contributions from people around the world. The WSJT-X suite of software represents the outgrowth of these modes, and its latest incarnation, v. 1.70, has added even greater capabilities.


FCC Rewrites some Rules for CB/FRS/GMRS/MURS and Amateur Radio

By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

The FCC has recently released its Report and Order (R&O) regarding amendments to Parts 2, 15, 80, 90, 97 and 101 of the Commissions rules concerning, in part, CB, FRS/GMRS and amateur radio. We take a look at how these rules might affect your operating (spoiler alert: there’s still no sound effects or music allowed on CB!).


TV Band Re-packing Report:

New Channel Assignments by TV Market

By Mike Kohl

Information has continued to be released by the FCC on the repacking of TV channel frequencies across the US. This has given Mike the opportunity to create some listings by TV market on what the local spectrum should look like at the end of the process. In this installment, TV markets are listed starting with the largest number of viewers in each market. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago top the listings, and this month we cover from Market #1 to #57 (Richmond, Virginia).


Scanning America

By Dan Veeneman

Details on Whistler’s Legacy Scanner Upgrade Offer


Federal Wavelenghts

By Chris Parris

Federal Use of Wireless VoIP


Utility Planet

By Hugh Stegman

Historic NSS Call Sign Returns to the Air


Shortwave Utility Logs

By Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz


Digitally Speaking

By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

The DV Landscape in Xenia, Ohio


VHF and Above

By Joe Lynch N6CL

TW Antennas and 6-Meters: Part Two


Amateur Radio Insights

By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z

Six-Meter Success: You Don't Need Much!


Radio 101

By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

Over-the-Top and Cord-Cutting: Part 2


Radio Propagation

By Tomas Hood NW7US

Summer Tropospheric Propagation and VHF DX


World of Shortwave Listening

By Andrew Yoder

Pirate Shortwave Radio Mysteries


The Shortwave Listener

By Fred Waterer

Changes in International Shortwave Broadcasting


Amateur Radio Satellites

By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF

Portable Amateur Radio Satellite Antennas in Action


The Longwave Zone

By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY

Next Up: 2200-Meters


Adventures in Radio Restoration

By Rich Post KB8TAD

Restoring a Heathkit DX-60 Transmitter


Antenna Connections

By Dan Farber AC0LW

Closer to Daylight: Antennas at VHF and UHF

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