
May 2014 Issue

Price: $3.00
Item Number: 0514

May 2014 Contents

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio Communications Trailer

By Wayne Heinen N0POH

     When a ham club decided to build their own communications trailer, they learned more about what they would do differently, if they ever had the chance to do so. That chance came sooner than they might have expected and the result is a well-designed, multi-functional operations platform that serves the club’s diverse needs.

Digitally Speaking: Amateur Radio Digital Voice Operating

Cory G B Sickles WA3UVV

     Amateur radio operators have been at the forefront of technology for over 100 years. For the last few years many hams have been exploring the world of digital voice communications. From HF to VHF and UHF, what has been done with analog transmissions is now being done digitally, with a few extra and interesting differences.

Radio Hobbyist’s Guide to Kits

By Neil Goldstein W2NDG

     Most readers remember the halcyon days of kit building dominated by Heathkit, Knight-Kit and other long gone kit companies, but whose products continue to be heard on the air and revered. Times have changed and so has kit building, but the essence of kit building remains; a chance to build your own equipment, save money, experiment and learn about electronic fundamentals. Neil Goldstein surveys the terrain of contemporary kit building.

QRP Radio Fun Without A Fortune

Bob Patterson K5DZE

     Many hams, particularly new ones, don’t understand the advantages that QRP (low power operating) offers: smaller, more portable and less expensive rigs. Nor do many understand that dropping power output doesn’t necessarily mean disappearing into the ether. Longtime QRP operator Bob Patterson explains how it’s done.

It Started with a CB

By Rich Post KB8TAD

     TSM’s resident radio historian, Rich Post, looks at the development of Heathkit’s famous Lunchbox transceivers for 10, 6 and 2-meters that started life as CB radio sets. Find out who was really behind the original design of these extremely popular transceivers.

  May 2014 Columns

  Scanning America

  By Dan Veeneman

  NOAA WX, NIST Time Transmissions, Scanning Morgan County West Virginia

  Federal Wavelengths

  By Chris Parris

  Agency Close-Up: BATFE

  Utility Planet

  By Hugh Stegman NV6H

  Monitoring the Crimea Crisis

  Digital HF: Intercept and Analyze

  By Mike Chace-Ortiz AB1TZ/G6DHU

  Monitoring Global Aviation Activity with HF Datalink

  HF Utility Logs

  Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz

  Amateur Radio Insights

  By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z

  Radiation, Resonance and SWR: Comparing Apples to Boomerangs!

  Radio 101

  By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

  Getting Your Ham Ticket: How Hard can it Be?

  Radio Propagation

  By Tomas Hood NW7US

  The Antenna is the Key! (Part 1)

  The World of Shortwave Listening

  By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL

  The Amateur/Shortwave Connection

  The Shortwave Listener

  By Fred Waterer

  How SW Covers the News; Christian Music

  Amateur Radio Astronomy

  By Stan Nelson KB5VL

  The LWA Antenna for Radio Astronomy

  The Longwave Zone

  By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY

  Amateurs on Longwave

  Adventures in Radio Restoration

  By Marc Ellis N9EWJ

  The Crosley Fiver Restoration Continues

 The Broadcast Tower

  By Doug Smith W9WI

  How Many are Too Many?

  Antenna Connections

  By Dan Farber AC0LW

  Center Post: More Adventures with the Big Dipole

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