
May 2019

Price: $3.00

Digipeating: APRS to the International Space Station – At Your Convenience

By Richard Fisher KI6SN

Making contact with the International Space Station by amateur radio is challenging on its face—the ISS orbit must be somewhere above your horizon; it is a moving target, and your antenna needs to be tracking its position as the space station moves across the sky. For FM voice contact, you may be in competition with lots of other Earth-based stations with the same goal as yours. But, thanks to the ISS’s digital repeater, contact with ISS is quite possible, but even so, for success, there are still lots of stars that must align. Richard tells us how it’s done.


TSM Reviews: The Mobile VHF/UHF COMPACtenna

By Bob Grove W8JHD

Is it possible for a 7.5-inch antenna to provide equal, or even superior, performance compared to a conventional 18-inch whip? After all, doesn’t a longer element capture more signal energy than a smaller element? Even with some reduction in signal strength, would overall improvement in uninterrupted reception translate to better performance? Bob examines this new mobile VHF/UHF antenna.


TSM Reviews: COMPACtenna for Shortwave

By Chris Parris

Chris was recently offered a chance to use the COMPACtenna SW (shortwave) model at home. The “SW” specifications show that it is 20 inches tall, designed for continuous receive over 3 MHz to 30 MHz and uses a standard 3/8-inch - 24 thread mount that most CB antennas are designed for. As someone who has tried for many years to find a good mobile/portable shortwave antenna solution, this seemed too good to be true. He decided to take the COMPACtenna out and try it on his personal vehicle along with several radios and other shortwave antennas to see how it fared.


RTTY: Old School Digital

By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

In his previous articles about other forms of digital communications as well as his three-part series on “Piggy Bank Ham Radio,” Cory found that there appears to be a good deal of interest in radioteletype and a desire to use some older gear. Coupling that with questions about pre-1990 HF rigs, there would seem to be a convergence of ideas. While older gear may not be suitable for the latest in digital modes, they are still perfectly fine radios and the fun of RTTY awaits you – with several ways to get on the air. Cory traces the history and continued use of this vintage amateur mode.


CRKits HT-1A Dual Band QRP Transceiver

By James Hannibal KH2SR

This dual band transceiver, available as a kit or factory-built, has a transmit frequency range of 7.0-7.2 MHz and 14.0-14.35 MHz. And, even though it only transmits CW, it does have the ability to listen to SSB signals. It also has an extended receive range, covering everything between 5.9-16 MHz, which means shortwave broadcast reception while in SSB mode. James puts this little rig to the test as it was meant to be used, outside in the wild with a small battery pack and portable antenna.


Scanning America

By Dan Veeneman

Groton, Connecticut; Amtrak Update


Federal Wavelengths

By Chris Parris

Have Scanner, Will Travel



By Larry Van Horn N5FPW

Monitoring the 14thFighter Training Wing


Utility Planet

By Hugh Stegman 

South Korean HFDL Takes Off


Shortwave Utility Logs


VHF and Above

By Joe Lynch N6CL

Owen Garriott W5LFL Silent Key                                         


Digitally Speaking

By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

Get Yourself Connected


Amateur Radio Insights

By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z

Are You a Member of the “Tower Tribe?”


Radio 101

By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

Baseball on the Radio: 2019


Radio Propagation

By Tomas Hood NW7US

E-Layer Sporadic Ionospheric Propagation


The World of Shortwave Listening

By Jeff White, Chairman, HFCC

Shortwave Broadcasters Discuss Future of the Medium and Time Changes or Does it?


The Shortwave Listener

By Fred Waterer

Radio Lectures; Classical on SW and Radio Santa Cruz


Amateur Radio Astronomy

By Stan Nelson KB5VL

Long Duration Meteor Trails


Adventures in Radio Restoration

By Rich Post KB8TAD

Millen’s Ham Superhet: The National FB-7

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