September 2014 Contents
Feature Articles
An Inexpensive VHF/UHF Spectrum Analyzer Dongle
By Mario Filippi N2HUN
Commercial spectrum analyzers
can run upwards
of several thousand dollars
in price, but for those on a limited budget, who don’t require the sophisticated features of high-end
analyzers, the RF spectrum
analyzer by Nuts About Nets fits the hobbyist’s bill nicely. It has opened up a new world of interest
in the types of signals that inhabit the VHF/UHF
bands, what they look like and where they appear.
Regular contributor to TSM, Mario Filippi N2HUN, takes
this spectrum analyzer dongle
to the VHF and UHF bands, looking
for signals. He notes, “Unquestionably, this is one of the most useful
pieces of radio
gear I have encountered as a hobbyist
in many years!”
The Slow and
Unsteady Course of HD Radio™
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
In the days before Wi-Fi radio, Pandora™, and the many ways people digitally
stream audio to their mobile devices, HD Radio was created to combat the first digital
threat to over-the-air radio:
XM and Sirius Satellite Radio. Six years ago the market was awash in tabletop HD Radio sets
ranging in price from $100-600. Now, there’s only one such set: a $52 FM-only radio from Insignia. In the 13 years since its inception, iBiquity, the broadcast consortium behind the HD Radio brand, has seen its product go from “The
Next Great Idea” to the question: “Whatever happened to HD Radio?”
Going Mobile Digitally; Connect Systems CS700 Review, and Nifty!
By Cory GB Sickles
In this month’s look at digital amateur
radio operating, Cory Sickles
WA3UVV, reviews Connect
Systems’ CS700 portable UHF digital
amateur radio transceiver that boasts 4 watts output, a keypad and more, for a direct
retail price of $180. That price is what created
the initial buzz, as even a basic Digital
Mobile Radio, without
any display or keypad, can cost $360 or more.
Factor in that the CS700 is supplied
with a drop-in charger and free, downloadable, programming software,
and you’ll discover why this radio has been such a game changer. We all know that price alone,
however, does not guarantee
a winner. But Cory found that, with the
CS700, the quality and attention to detail was evident from the moment he
opened the box and placed the radio
in his hand.
TSM Review:
Hardrock 50 Amplifier Kit: Giving QRP a Boost
By Mark Haverstock K8MSH
QRP rigs are simple to build and fun to
operate. But, as band conditions
deteriorate over the next
few years, you may find some need for a boost of power to get those
contacts, especially if you’re chasing DX. The
Hardrock 50 amp is an economical way to satisfy
your urge to build,
along with your need for a few dB of added
signal strength on all the popular HF bands plus 6 meters. Regular TSM contributor,
Mark Haverstock K8MSH, details his experience as he tackled the job of building
this amp and putting it to the test
on his Elecraft KX-3, a popular all-band, all-mode, low-power transceiver.
September 2014 Columns
Scanning America
By Dan Veenaman
Multi-Agency Radio
Communications and More
Federal Wavelengths
By Chris Parris
The Drug Enforcement Administration
By Hugh Stegman NV6H
Stalking Polish Numbers: Has “Strich” Been Found?
Digital HF: Intercept
and Analyze
Mike Chace-Ortiz AB1TZ/G6DHU
The Russian AT3004D
12 Tone HF Modem
HF Utility
By Mike Chace-Ortiz and Hugh Stegman
Amateur Radio
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
Twisting in
the Wind: Don’t Choose
the Wrong Rotator
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
The $40 12-Volt Power Supply
that comes with a Free Drill!
By Tomas Hood NW7US
Researching Propagation using JT65A: Part II
The World
of Shortwave Listening
Jeff White, General Manager WRMI
HFCC Resources for Shortwave Listeners
The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
The Romance of Language
via Shortwave
Amateur Radio
By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF
More New Amateur Radio Satellites on the
The Longwave Zone
By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
What is DGPS?
Adventures in
Radio Restoration
By Marc Ellis N9EWJ
RCA’s “12,000
Mile” Radio
The Broadcast Tower
Doug Smith W9WI
Watching the Radio: Part II
Antenna Connections
By Dan
Farber AC0LW
A Balanced Line Lightning Arrestor;
How I Spent My Summer Vacation