Home > Monthly Issues > Subscribe to The Spectrum Monitor for 2025 (12 Issues Jan-Dec 2025)
Subscribe to The Spectrum Monitor for 2025 (12 Issues Jan-Dec 2025)
All 2025 subscriptions begin with the January 2025 issue and end with the December 2025 issue. When you make your purchase, you will receive an Order Confirmation number via the email address you used to purchase your subscription. That tells you that your name and email address have been added to the 2025 subscriber list. If you receive an email that indicates your purchase was declined, that usually means there was a typo or some other error that doesn't match the bank's data on your card. You can try again but if you get a second declined email don't try a third time. Instead, just send an email to editor@thespectrummonitor.com and I will manually process the purchase. If you have any questions about your subscription, email editor@thespectrummonitor.com. I'll be happy to help.
Ken Reitz KS4ZR
Publisher/Managing Editor
The Spectrum Monitor