
April 2014 Issue

Price: $3.00
Item Number: 0414

April 2014 Contents

From Army Pirates to Morale Radio

By Rich Post KB8TAD

    U.S. servicemen in World War II found themselves away from home, many for the first time in their lives. Deployed overseas, among the things they missed the most was nightly entertainment on the radio. Believing that something as basic as listening to the radio would boost service morale, the U.S. government deployed portable radio stations around the world to re-broadcast programming from home. Meanwhile, manufacturers cranked out “morale radios” by the tens of thousands during the course of the war. Regular contributor, Rich Post KB8TAD, traces the origins of Morale Radio.

TSM Reviews: Uniden BC536HP Mobile Scanner

By Chris Parris

     Just released this past January, Uniden’s BC536HP mobile scanner promises a lot at a time of major change in public service radio. Federal Wavelengths columnist and longtime scanner listener Chris Parris puts this new radio through its paces. Despite earlier issues, Chris believes Uniden has another winner in its inventory.

C-Band Free-to-Air Satellite on a 6-Foot Dish

Mario Filippi N2HUN

     Regular contributor, Mario Filippi N2HUN, can’t resist a monitoring challenge. From low-band DX to VHF/UHF listening on a DVB-T dongle, he’s pretty much done it all. Now he turns his attention to foreign TV DX via broadcast satellites parked 23,000 miles over the Atlantic Ocean. But, the trick is that he’s doing it with an inexpensive six-foot dish!

Build this Experimental AM DX Receiver

  James Kretzschmar AE7AX

     Most of us started our listening hobby on the AM band, which still remains a happy DX hunting ground. And, most of us began our electronics self-education by building a crystal set for AM band reception. Former Monitoring Times contributor, James Kretschmar AE7AX, combines the two by offering this experimental AM DX receiver for TSM readers’ enjoyment.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Coaxial Cable

  By Mark Haverstock K8MSH

     To many hams, coaxial cable seems like a modern addition to the shack. But, it’s been around longer than amateur radio. A former regular contributor to Monitoring Times, Mark Haverstock K8MSH looks at the origins of coax and the mythology that has been built around its use in amateur radio.

  April 2014 Columns

Scanning America

By Dan Veeneman

Weather Monitoring

Federal Wavelengths

By Chris Parris

Federal Interoperability Revisited

Utility Planet

By Hugh Stegman

New Frequency for Cuban “Babbler”

Digital HF: Intercept and Analyze

By Mike Chace-Ortiz AB1TZ/G6DHU

Monitoring Safety at Sea with GMDSS/DSC

Amateur Radio Insights

By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z

Antennas: Height Makes Right!

Radio 101

By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

Amateur Radio DX and QSLing Made Easy

Radio Propagation

By Tomas Hood NW7US

Comparative Analysis with ACE-HF

The World of Shortwave Listening

By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL

Traveling Light, SWLing Right

The Shortwave Listener

By Fred Waterer

Voice of Vietnam and Channel Africa

Amateur Radio Satellites

By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF

Amateur Radio Satellite Update

The Longwave Zone

By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY

Mid-to-Late Season DX

Adventures in Radio Restoration

By Rich Post KB8TAD

A Tale of Two Progressive Radios

The Broadcast Tower

By Doug Smith W9WI

AM Improvement: The People Speak

Antenna Connections

By Dan Farber AC0LW

Closer to Daylight: Antennas Above 54 MHz

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