TSM Review: Field Testing the Xiegu X5105
By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL
In this issue, Thomas takes an in-depth and out-of-doors look at a relatively inexpensive HF transceiver and finds, “The X5105 gets the job done, and it’s good at it. I’d even venture to say it’s a lot of fun to use. While it’s not refined, it’s ready to go wherever you go in the field.” Thomas reports that there’s more to this rig than rugged appeal.
Talking to the World via Amateur Radio Digital Voice
By Larry Van Horn N5FPW
Looking for a way to keep in touch with your ham friends wherever they are in the world, despite dismal propagation conditions? So was Larry. That’s when he discovered the world of VHF/UHF digital voice. In this introductory feature, Larry explains the technology and equipment used in digital voice and how you can take advantage of this low-cost, highly portable method of amateur radio communications.
Choosing an Electronic Logging Program
By Robert Gulley K4PKM
Robert freely admits to being an overly cautious individual— paper logs cannot be subject to crashed hard drives, bricked SD cards, or overwritten files. There is security in having a “hard copy” of one’s contact logs. He also believes that the benefits of electronic logging far out-weigh the safety of paper logs, in fact, he argues that paper logs are not as secure as we might think.
The Falklands War: Radio Broadcasting from the End of the Earth
By Scott A. Caldwell
The Falkland Islands are a sparsely populated group of islands in the South Atlantic Ocean—a slice of Britain in a most forbidding climate. But the islands are also claimed by Argentina, which attempted to enforce that claim through a disastrous invasion in 1982. Scott relates the role that shortwave radio played during the ill-fated conflict.
TSM Reviews: Baofeng UV5R Handheld VHF/UHF Transceiver
By Bob Grove W8JHD
This incredibly inexpensive 2-meter/440-MHz transceiver has been around for a long time. Bob notes that the primary complaint heard about this HT regards programming. “Finding an up-to-date programming procedure that incorporates newer features is quite a task.” So, he devised his own simpler procedure. He says, “The keyboard is a dual array of numeric entries and functional choices. It may be bewildering at first glance, but after a few successes, your stress level will go down.”
Scanning America
By Dan Veeneman
Richmond County (GA); Douglas County (NV)
Federal Wavelengths
By Chis Parris
Mt. Weather and other Mysteries
By Larry Van Horn N5FPW
Monitoring MARS
Utility Planet
By Hugh Stegman
A Quick Look at Russian HF
Shortwave Utility Logs
By Mike Chace-Ortiz and Hugh Stegman
VHF and Above
By Joe Lynch N6CL
Conferences, Achievements and Meteor Showers
Digitally Speaking
By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV
Zen and the Previously Owned—Part 1
Amateur Radio Insights
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
Portable Power Generators—the Basics
Radio 101
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
Maunder, Schmaunder and Who Needs FT8 Anyway?
The World of Shortwave Listening
By Rob Wagner VK3BVW
Collecting and Honoring Old Technology
The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
Radio Tirana’s Surprising Longevity; Radio Exterior de España; BBC Fare
Amateur Radio Astronomy
By Stan Nelson KB5VL
GnuRadio and Monitoring the Galactic Hydrogen Band—Part 1
Adventures in Radio Restoration
By Rich Post KB8TAD
The Montgomery-Ward Catalog Set: Airline Model 62-256
Antenna Connections
By Robert Gulley K4PKM
Antennas: Breaking Bad